Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What benefits can I expect from having a Coating Inspectors NACE Certified Coating Inspector work on our projects?

A: It has been said that you do not get what you pay for, rather, you get what you inspect. I bought a brand new pack of T shirts yesterday, and when I opened the pack, a little piece of paper tumbled out and it read “Inspected by # 89”. In this day and age, quality is associated with inspections. We all have a tendency to drive in excess of the speed limit from time to time. What do you do when a law enforcement officer gets behind you on the highway? You drive the speed limit. What do you think your painting contractor will do when your Coating Inspectors NACE inspector is on the site full time? You got it! He will stay within the specifications because they are being enforced. It has been duly noted in corrosion industry literature that NACE inspectors truly pay for themselves on projects

Q: Why is it a good idea to have my painting specifications written, reviewed, commented on or edited by Paint Coating Inspectors before I send it out in an RFQ?

A: A solid, well written and clearly defined specification is the genesis of any successful painting project. Coating Inspectors assigns a staff member to your project that has the specific education, background and experience to efficiently and effectively ensure your specification are unambiguous and the expectations of all interested parties and their roles are clearly defined in qualitative and quantitative terms. A well written specification also levels the playing field for qualified contractors and allows the owner to compare apples to apples and not apples to pineapples!

Q: What benefits can I expect from having Paint Coating Inspectors assist me in selecting and awarding a project to a specific contractor?

A: Coating Inspectors is poised and prepared to bring a wealth of dedication and experience to your project and most of our paint inspection team members have 20+ years of documented and verifiable experience in the corrosion prevention and the professional coating application industries. As such, they know how to compare and contrast the various submittals you will receive from contractors and they will be an invaluable resource in determining the best selection. They will also have a positive economic impact on your selection by reviewing the means and methods selected by a contractor and make recommendations and suggestions as to the best methods to achieve success on your project at the lowest possible cost. Our clients find in a very short period of time that Paint Coating Inspectors will pay for itself in a multitude of ways.

Q: If I have a coating failure, why is it important to have Paint Coating Inspectors conduct a failure analysis for me?

A: What is past is prologue! Why do you wear a hard hat on a project site? Because bumping your head is highly likely and the hard hat is your means of protection. A failure analysis is your protection from repeating the same mistake –potentially a very costly mistake – over and over. Our staff members have the experience to understand virtually any process system, define the contributing factors, analyze variations and co variations and determine the cause and effect relationships that are creating your problems. Once the contributing factors are determined and the analysis concluded, our team writes a specification that will alleviate the problem once and for all so you can get back into the business of doing what you do best: Running your business!

Q: Why should I choose Coating Inspectors?

A: At Coating Inspectors we have a very simple philosophy: Our clients expect the best and we are dedicated to providing each client with what they need, when they need it and in a manner that is comprehensive, yet easily understood. In order to accomplish this goal, our paint inspection team is recruited and selected based upon their education, background, experience and documented and verifiable credentials. All of our paint inspection team members undergo a complete background check, drug screening and we verify –in writing – their reported credentials. Paint Coating Inspectors also actively seeks out ex-military personnel from all branches of the US Armed Forces. We firmly believe those individuals that have served their country, in peace and in war, have a higher level of dedication, commitment and innate desire to see a mission through to the end without compromise and with the highest of integrity and character. Why chose Paint Coating Inspectors, because our mission is your mission, and we accomplish this together, and to the end.

Please contact us if you’d like to request additional information, clarification, or an estimate regarding our painting and coating inspection/inspector services or any of the other coating inspector support services that we offer.